July 2021
The World is still standing but only just
Today I have finally finished a major work. It is the first one for about two years. I’m hoping this will be the start of a spell of work. The body might have other ideas. This week it has been the back playing up. It’s one of those inexplicable things that just happen. This time it was a gradual progress and got to a point when you burst crying out of frustration and pain. You can’t bend down, every move hurts. Trying to get your socks on – you get the big toe in and hope the rest will follow. I have had this before and thanks to St Ibu(brufen) I survive it. You can only take so much pain before you give in and take some pills. St Ibu is cure all – or help all – for me. It also helps the shoulders and wrists while it’s working on the back.
Today it’s grey and wet. We have had a very good summer. We had weeks of warm weather, not too hot or windy. And then the rain came and revived the nature. It was the right kind of rain too, gentle at first then quite a lot and it all soaked in. Grass is looking green again. Or moss and weeds, as that is the make up of my lawn. The veg garden is producing enough for my needs. It is great being able to eat veg that hasn’t got any air miles. You walk twenty paces and you have fresh onions and tomatoes, potatoes, dill, peas. Gladioli looks great too. Such a pity you can’t eat them. No plums. We had some frosty nights just when the tree flowered. I have grown four apples. The same problem – late frost.
Sept 27.
This is a rant.
I don’t like doing politics but this government has ordered us all to have interlinked fire alarms installed by Feb 22. Ok, a big building went on fire in London… I have just got an estimate to install 5 smoke alarms, 3 heat detectors, 1 Co detector and a control switch – at cost of £716 + VAT. I am a pensioner (!), I live in a three bedroom house in rural area, on my own. If I’m not in when fire breaks out by the time someone notices the fire and the fire brigade arrives my house would be a goner, alarms or not. One of my existing alarms goes off if there is steam and I sure hear it everywhere in the house. So, if there are five – or nine – wailing what a racket it would make! Enough to give you a heart attack. Looks like I’ll have to sell my granny, right arm and a leg to pay for the new – and unnecessary – system.
And don’t start me on problems caused by the Covid and Brexit! I must go and visit Mother in Finland as soon as I can but the current rules about travel are so confusing that I just don’t want to travel abroad now. Mother will be 88 this year and I want to see her asap. I last saw her summer 2018. Friends’ reports on testing coming back, is very off putting. They report on having the tests – the right tests – done at the right time, right language and at varying costs. When you travel on your own problems turn from mole hills to mountains. How lovely it was to travel in the past, even on your own, when you took your passport, tickets and a suitcase and off you went. You packed all sorts of presents in the case, no paperwork or permits needed to go out or come back. Thank you politics and World leaders for wrecking our lives. I was a grumpy old woman before but now I am a REALLY grumpy old woman!
October 20th
Where does the time go!?
Work still hasn’t started. The studio is ready though. I have cleared the decks, got out the tools. I even have A Round Tuit. No excuse now…
Katie, the collie, is still with us. Poor old girl is now blind, still eating well, goes out with a wobble, does her business. In the house she is like a canine pin ball. She walks until she meets an obstacle and changes direction randomly. There are three instructions – nooo! yeah! that’s it! It is not the whistles and instructions collies usually get but it works.
Today’s weather is ok. Blue sky early in the morning then it clouded over but it is quite still and not too cold. It is too wet to go out and do anything in the garden. I doubt the two loads of washing I did are going to be any dryer when I take them in but at least the washing smells fresher. I could start work. Maybe have a cup of coffee first…