Goat of Many Colours

Some music reminds me of the misspent youth in night clubs I never had.

Spring Fling time soon.  The SF team is coming up with the goods again, the right stuff, on time.  Deliveries, collections, everything is running smoothly as far as I’m concerned.  The problem is the artist, again.  Am I making the right things (I can’t do anything, no talent!), what to make (I have no inspiration!), will anybody come (it’s the recession!), will they like anything (awwwww!) (make a mug of tea.).  Ideas usually come unexpectedly. Like the Spanish Inquisition (you a Monty Python fan..?).  Mostly it involves playing with words.

A friend asked if I had done Mary Queen of Scots. No… but the mind started working and that turned into Fairy Queen of Spots.  Seeing a merry-go-round turned into Herring go Round, hearing Orff’s Carmina Burana brought to mind Carmine Piranha.  English being a ‘foreign’ language to me the words sometimes bring a literal meaning to mind first, like Spring Chicken.  It has springs for legs. Or Bluetits… well…

There are some ideas that never made it. They were too twee or silly, verging on kitsch, like Face Book, Clown Jewels, Fruit and Nut Case, Stalagtights, Goat of many colours. Hm… maybe try that one…  Clown Fish seen above maybe shouldn’t have gone into production…